
Last Thursday (10/11/2022) Dr. Abdul Rahem, one of the senior lecturers in the Department of Practical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) made a visit to Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)...
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Pada Kamis minggu lalu (10/11/2022) Dr. Abdul Rahem, salah satu dosen senior di Departemen Farmasi Praktis FF UNAIR melakukan kunjungan ke Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
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On Thursday (10/11/2022) Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR), Mr. apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, Ph.D. had the opportunity to become a guest lecturer at one of the universities in Malaysia, namely the Management & S
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A Lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) who is also Head of the Practical Pharmacy Department, Mr. apt. Andi Hermansyah, Ph.D. on 10 November 2022 and then was invited to be a guest lecturer at Management & Science U
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Dosen FF UNAIR sekaligus Ketua Departemen Farmasi Praktis, Bapak apt. Andi Hermansyah, Ph.D. pada 10 November 2022 lalu diundang menjadi dosen tamu di Management & Science University Malaysia.
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Pada Kamis (10/11/2022) lalu Wakil Dekan II FF UNAIR, Bapak apt. Mahardian Rahmadi, Ph.D. berkesempatan untuk menjadi dosen tamu di salah satu universitas di Malaysia yaitu Management & Science University
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Good news has returned for the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR), after two UNAIR FF students were successfully selected as model students, one of UNAIR FF Lecturers also won to become a model university lecturer...
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After receiving news that one of the lecturers of the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) was chosen to be an exemplary lecturer, another FF UNAIR lecturer appeared who also received the award...
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Setelah mendapatkan kabar bahwa salah satu dosen FF UNAIR terpilih mejadi dosen teladan, muncul satu lagi nama dosen FF UNAIR yang turut memperoleh penghargaan. Dosen tersebut adalah Dr. Aniek Setiya Budiatin
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Kabar baik kembali datang untuk FF UNAIR, setelah dua tendik FF UNAIR terpilih menjadi tendik teladan, salah satu Dosen FF UNAIR Ibu Elida Zairina, Ph.D. pun turut meraih kemenangan sebagai dosen teladan.
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In October 2022, the public was shocked by the news regarding the many findings of cases of kidney failure, especially in children, which ended with the ban on distribution of drugs in syrup form by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes). To answer the publ
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Kemarin (4/10/2022) Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) menggelar rapat untuk berkoordinasi terkait peluang staff exchange dan studi lanjut S3.
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Dr. apt. Muhammad Faris Adrianto, S.Farm., M.Farm. menjadi salah satu nominasi yang berhak untuk mendapatkan Penghargaan Postdoc di Queen's University Belfast (QUB).
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